where did he start in this alderman? >> alderman, mayor. >> yeah. >> served as state representatives, state senators. governors, u.s. representatives, u.s. senator. military governor, vice president. and president and then he's the only president to this day to and what the senate.>> were his -- how would you describe his politics? what did it mean for him to be a democrat at that point? >> well, democrats or republicans are sort of reversed as the years have gone by. he was very much of a fiscal conservative. limited government. more of the decisions being made again, we have no record of, other than a scrap book that she kept where she was clipping things and what her own politics were? >> no, unfortunately, we don't. we do know that andrew johnson believe in state's rights. no question about that. and he was always putting bills forward for the common man. i know that was very, very important for him. he didn't care for the aristocrats, he didn't necessarily care for the very rich planters as he referred to them. it w