your work and electronics since i was 17 years old my drawing the paratroopers i was assigned to alectryon a communications a tie in of 82nd airborne. and this is the 1st time i've been here since. 2007. it's hard to believe that this is what's left of a 3 story engineering structure. on a november morning in 2006 laon and dozens of other workers cloaked in secure a plane the company that makes the battery charger. and i started a pot of coffee then i went into my lab and started working on my battery charging unit. and then the top and there was a very loud explosion and all of us saw i was lying on the floor and there i was coming out the side of this battery it was about big and it was not like fire it looked like a jet afterburner large jet exhaust. the prototype battery secure plane was using to test its charger had exploded. i heard a very loud series of metallic corralling bangs very kind of a shock and just this jet of steam of fire was literally rolling up the walls around me and on the ceiling i could just see it eating up all around me. i know that if that happened on board an a