. >> my name is alehandr, and i am a community organizer. >> and my name is (inaudible) and i am also a organizer at chalk. >> i am really nervous, so we are here to stand in solidary with alex's family and the recent murder of (inaudible) i forgot your name. and yeah, her son, and we just need change, like it is not fair, like, when is this going to stop? and you guys are killing our black and brown youth, like that is not fair, i am really nervous. >> you can keep talking. >> yeah, i am just asking for change, because this is really not fair, and they are really needs to be a change in the community and some of the police officers, need to really, be trained better, and maybe not carry guns, we just need change like this is not fair, and it is time to stand up and fight for our rights, because this can't be and cannot continue. >> that is all that i have to say. >> >> i was also raised in the mission, and born and raised in the mission, and yeah, this needs to change. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> my name is barbara gross, very (inaudible) piece of property and i would like to have