Mar 6, 2025
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alejandro godina noticias telemundo. >> alejandro, muchas gracias por este reporte. tambiÉn otra preocupaciÓn son los vientos que han tenido rachas superiores a las 50 millas por hora y ya dejan Árboles caÍdos y cortes elÉctricos. importante denotar que las tormentas que azotaron ayer ya dejan seis muertos, tres en nebraska y tres mÁs en mississippi. en el sur, en san antonio, texas. el incendio de calaveras que provocÓ evacuaciones en el condado de bÉjar ya estÁ contenido en un 85%. por fortuna, no se han reportado heridos, pero sÍ hay unas 182 viviendas afectadas por las llamas. horas despuÉs de estas afectaciones, la regiÓn incluso experimentÓ una tormenta de polvo. y hablemos de polÍtica. el presidente trump bateÓ anoche un rÉcord con el mensaje a la naciÓn en una sesiÓn conjunta en el congreso. durÓ una hora, 40 minutos. el 76% de los que escucharon el discurso de trump lo aprueban, segÚn una encuesta de cbs news y yougov. sin embargo, el apoyo es partidista. de los encuestados, el 51% son republicanos, el 27 independientes y el 20% demÓcratas. cristina londoÑo
alejandro godina noticias telemundo. >> alejandro, muchas gracias por este reporte. tambiÉn otra preocupaciÓn son los vientos que han tenido rachas superiores a las 50 millas por hora y ya dejan Árboles caÍdos y cortes elÉctricos. importante denotar que las tormentas que azotaron ayer ya dejan seis muertos, tres en nebraska y tres mÁs en mississippi. en el sur, en san antonio, texas. el incendio de calaveras que provocÓ evacuaciones en el condado de bÉjar ya estÁ contenido en un...
Mar 8, 2025
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alejandro estÁ en la gran manzana y hablo con la familia de la joven. para enfrentar cargos por asesinato y homicidio y secuestro. es junior pÉrez dÍaz que ahora enfrenta cargos por asesinato, homicidio y secuestro. el cuerpo de pamela alcÁntara fue encontrado ayer jueves dentro de una maleta roja junto a una carretera de una ciudad ubicada al norte de la gran manzana. pamela bebÍa con este sujeto que era su exnovio que ahora estÁ detenido aquÍ en el bronx y sus seres queridos me aseguran que supuestamente el sujeto la vigilaba, la celaba y maltrataba, pero su familia asegura que no sabÍa nada acerca de esto y creyeron que lo reportÓ. ella estaba inculto. —— incluso por mudarse cuando se supo por Última vez de ella la madrugada del domingo. sus familiares la buscaron por dÍas. incluso su madre vino de repÚblica dominicana para ayudar en la bÚsqueda. colocaron carteles por todo el vecindario hasta que ayer se dio la noticia de que fue encontrada sin vidas. >> quiero tenerla aquÍ conmigo. asÍ como que no quiero que ninguna madre sufra esta situaciÓn que y
alejandro estÁ en la gran manzana y hablo con la familia de la joven. para enfrentar cargos por asesinato y homicidio y secuestro. es junior pÉrez dÍaz que ahora enfrenta cargos por asesinato, homicidio y secuestro. el cuerpo de pamela alcÁntara fue encontrado ayer jueves dentro de una maleta roja junto a una carretera de una ciudad ubicada al norte de la gran manzana. pamela bebÍa con este sujeto que era su exnovio que ahora estÁ detenido aquÍ en el bronx y sus seres queridos me...
Mar 9, 2025
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johana. >> gracias alejandro. dia para reconocer lo que hemos avanzado, pero tambien para reconocer lo mucho que nos falta. gracias alejandro por tu informe. y ahora pasamos a roma, donde tras estar ingresado en el hospital por 23 dias, el papa francisco muestra una buena respuesta a la terapia y una gradual, leve mejoria. segun el parte medico de la santa sede. el pontifice se ha mantenido sin fiebre en los ultimos dias y su sangre esta mejor oxigenada. hoy el papa recibio la eucaristia en la capilla privada del departamento que se encuentra en el hospital gemelli y trabajo. aun asi, el pronostico aun es reservado. docenas de padres demandan a la red social snapchat. buscan evitar que el fentanilo llegue a las manos de menores de edad. hablamos con un padre que perdio a su hijo por esta droga. y se declara estado de emergencia en el condado de suffolk en nueva york por los incendios forestales que azotan la zona. regresamos con la la zona. regresamos con la informacion. pero aquí estoy. -- m'usica >> cuando me y
johana. >> gracias alejandro. dia para reconocer lo que hemos avanzado, pero tambien para reconocer lo mucho que nos falta. gracias alejandro por tu informe. y ahora pasamos a roma, donde tras estar ingresado en el hospital por 23 dias, el papa francisco muestra una buena respuesta a la terapia y una gradual, leve mejoria. segun el parte medico de la santa sede. el pontifice se ha mantenido sin fiebre en los ultimos dias y su sangre esta mejor oxigenada. hoy el papa recibio la eucaristia...
Mar 4, 2025
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alejandro: eso es muy importante.midor. nos metemos el chip de inversionista, de crear, de crear algo, de invertir nuestro dinero y multiplicarlo. siempre que recibimos dinero lo vemos como algo que hay que deshacer, algo que hay que cambiar por un bien que muchas veces vale menos de lo que estamos pagando. hay que meter el chip que hay que invertir en cosas que van a subir de valor en el tiempo. raÚl: para concluir tengo una pregunta. tiene que ver tambiÉn con la actualidad. todo esto que estÁ pasando de los aranceles, todo esto que estÁ pasando con lo que estÁ haciendo el presidente con mÉxico y canadÁ, va a afectar de alguna manera el Índice bursÁtil, mercado de la bolsa de valores? alejandro: ya lo estÁ haciendo. el dÍa de ayer cuando se anunciÓ el mercado cayÓ. lo bueno es que el mercado con los valores puede cambiar en la caÍda. el dÍa de ayer se valor izaron en 400%. lo estoy diciendo pÚblicamente. hay miles de estudiantes que nos estÁn viendo. lo bueno es que uno puede ganar, pero las polÍticas poner nervioso
alejandro: eso es muy importante.midor. nos metemos el chip de inversionista, de crear, de crear algo, de invertir nuestro dinero y multiplicarlo. siempre que recibimos dinero lo vemos como algo que hay que deshacer, algo que hay que cambiar por un bien que muchas veces vale menos de lo que estamos pagando. hay que meter el chip que hay que invertir en cosas que van a subir de valor en el tiempo. raÚl: para concluir tengo una pregunta. tiene que ver tambiÉn con la actualidad. todo esto que...
Mar 8, 2025
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como nos cuenta alejandro godina. >> encontraron decenas de zapatos, incontables prendas, restos Óseostino. >> despuÉs de recibir algunas llamadas que les alertaban sobre posibles restos de personas desaparecidas, un colectivo de bÚsqueda en jalisco acudiÓ al lugar para confirmarlo. >> pudimos porque tenÍamos varias llamadas anÓnimas, incluso familiares, que nos nos acompaÑaron, donde posiblemente pudiera haber estado su hijo y pues nos encontramos con restos calcinados. >> declaraciÓn confirmada por la fiscalÍa local. autoridad que en diciembre de 2024 habÍa detenido a diez personas en este sitio, seÑaladas de estar presuntamente vinculadas con acciones del crimen organizado. >> encontraron algunos restos. >> las autoridades declararon que en un principio no localizaron todos los restos como ahora sÍ lo hizo un grupo de civiles debido al tamaÑo del lugar. >> no se pudo procesar todo el rancho porque son bastantes hectÁreas. no quiere decir que no se haya buscado. de hecho, pues estÁn las evidencias donde se instalaron trascabos. >> segÚn cifras del gobierno federal, jalisco es el esta
como nos cuenta alejandro godina. >> encontraron decenas de zapatos, incontables prendas, restos Óseostino. >> despuÉs de recibir algunas llamadas que les alertaban sobre posibles restos de personas desaparecidas, un colectivo de bÚsqueda en jalisco acudiÓ al lugar para confirmarlo. >> pudimos porque tenÍamos varias llamadas anÓnimas, incluso familiares, que nos nos acompaÑaron, donde posiblemente pudiera haber estado su hijo y pues nos encontramos con restos...
Mar 7, 2025
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alejandro godina noticias telemundo. >> regresamos a estados unidos esta noche. habÍa buscado atenciÓn mÉdica. vivÍa en el condado lee, cerca de gaines, el condado texano, en donde se concentra la mayor cantidad de casos de sarampiÓn. ahÍ, al oeste de texas, comenzÓ el brote en enero, que ya supera los 150 casos en nueve condados. y ademÁs se cobrÓ la vida de un menor. hoy, por primera vez tras hospitalizaciÓn el pasado 14 de febrero por una neumonÍa bilateral, el mundo pudo escuchar la dÉbil voz del papa francisco, quien hablÓ en espaÑol agradeciendo las oraciones por su salud. y como nos cuenta rogelio mora tagle, segÚn el vaticano, el sumo pontÍfice se mantiene estable. >> agradezco de todo corazÓn. >> es la voz dÉbil y entrecortada de un hombre que carga su propia cruz, pero que lucha dÍa a dÍa por su >> agradezco de todo corazÓn las oraciones. que hacen por mi salud. desde la plaza. >> por primera vez desde que fue hospitalizado, se escuchÓ al papa en una grabaciÓn de voz que fue emitida antes de iniciar el rosario para pedir por su salud. en la plaza de san
alejandro godina noticias telemundo. >> regresamos a estados unidos esta noche. habÍa buscado atenciÓn mÉdica. vivÍa en el condado lee, cerca de gaines, el condado texano, en donde se concentra la mayor cantidad de casos de sarampiÓn. ahÍ, al oeste de texas, comenzÓ el brote en enero, que ya supera los 150 casos en nueve condados. y ademÁs se cobrÓ la vida de un menor. hoy, por primera vez tras hospitalizaciÓn el pasado 14 de febrero por una neumonÍa bilateral, el mundo pudo...
Mar 3, 2025
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alejandro godina noticias, telemundo. >> y seguimos en mexico porque su presidenta, claudia sheinbaume refirio a los a aranceles que el presidente donald trump ha prometido imponer a mexico y canada. hablo en colima. cuando faltan 48 horas para que venza el plazo para que inicien esos aranceles. alli afirmo que su gobierno siempre ha llamado a un trato de iguales, en donde se impulse la cooperacion y la coordinacion. >> cooperacion, coordinacion. si. subordinacion. nunca. >> mexico es un pais libre, independiente y soberano. somos un gran pais, somos un ejemplo cultural en el mundo y a mexico se le respeta. >> sheinbaum subrayo nuevamente que la economia norteamericana se vera afectada por estos aranceles y resalto la importancia que tienen los p productos que producen los mexicanos y terminan en las mesas de los estadounidenses. autoridades guatemaltecas informaron que el numero de deportados desde los estados unidos en los primeros dos meses de 2025 es menor al que se produjo en el mismo periodo en 2024. sin embargo, mas alla de las cifras, cada retornado arrastra una historia de lo
alejandro godina noticias, telemundo. >> y seguimos en mexico porque su presidenta, claudia sheinbaume refirio a los a aranceles que el presidente donald trump ha prometido imponer a mexico y canada. hablo en colima. cuando faltan 48 horas para que venza el plazo para que inicien esos aranceles. alli afirmo que su gobierno siempre ha llamado a un trato de iguales, en donde se impulse la cooperacion y la coordinacion. >> cooperacion, coordinacion. si. subordinacion. nunca. >>...
Mar 2, 2025
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alejandro godina noticias, t telemundo. >> y un choque de dos autobuses dejo al menos 37 muertos y 39n potosi, al sur de bolivia. segun la investigacion, uno de los autobuses invadio el carril contrario, al parecer por exceso de velocidad y provoco la colision. entre los fallecidos hay ocho menores de edad. re rescatistas sacaron este sabado a un nino de un ano y medio que cayo el viernes por la manana. un pozo de perforacion abandonado en el centro oeste de peru. medios locales dijeron que el pequeno estaba a 30 pies de profundidad . durante el rescate, al nino le p proporcionaron alimentos y agua. fomentar el orgullo de la herencia. afrolatina es la mision de un centro recreacional en nueva york en storyland, ubicado en el brbronx. los instructores lideran un importante esfuerzo para educar a los ninos a traves de libros y canciones. lourdes hurtado hablo con ellos. >> a veces. >> somos parte de una cultura excepcional y no lo sabemos. >> mas alla de fomentar la lectura, el concepto detras de este espacio es que las historias tienen el poder de conectarnos unos a otros. >> su comuni
alejandro godina noticias, t telemundo. >> y un choque de dos autobuses dejo al menos 37 muertos y 39n potosi, al sur de bolivia. segun la investigacion, uno de los autobuses invadio el carril contrario, al parecer por exceso de velocidad y provoco la colision. entre los fallecidos hay ocho menores de edad. re rescatistas sacaron este sabado a un nino de un ano y medio que cayo el viernes por la manana. un pozo de perforacion abandonado en el centro oeste de peru. medios locales dijeron...
Mar 3, 2025
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alejandro godina nos cuenta mÁs. >> puro si va a ganar mi pie o lo voy a perder. >> de un momento a otrontramos con la sorpresa de que de una mina. y ahÍ fue donde, desgraciadamente nos pasÓ. explotÓ la mina. >> sucediÓ a principios de 2025 en michoacÁn, que sÚn gobierno estatal y la guardia nacional es el estado mÁs afectado por la instalaciÓn de minas por parte del crimen organizado. >> tenemos con temor a pisar una bomba. >> alfredo, quien tambiÉn se dedica a la cosecha de limÓn en la zona, cuenta que algunos de sus compaÑeros han renunciado a trabajar aquÍ debido al riesgo. >> ya tenemos terror y la verdad, si es el cÁrtel que que opera aquÍ, la verdad, las minas son los que que en todo tipo de huertas hay. >> tan solo. durante 2024 la secretarÍa de seguridad de michoacÁn informÓ el decomiso de mÁs de 3000 granadas y explosivos, la gran mayorÍa en zonas rurales como este en el municipio de buenavista. >> se mira donde estÁ escarbado. hay veces que las dejan asÍ nomÁs, por encima pa que los pise una camioneta. >> bienvenidos a este hombre de origen colombiano, quien escapÓ de sus capt
alejandro godina nos cuenta mÁs. >> puro si va a ganar mi pie o lo voy a perder. >> de un momento a otrontramos con la sorpresa de que de una mina. y ahÍ fue donde, desgraciadamente nos pasÓ. explotÓ la mina. >> sucediÓ a principios de 2025 en michoacÁn, que sÚn gobierno estatal y la guardia nacional es el estado mÁs afectado por la instalaciÓn de minas por parte del crimen organizado. >> tenemos con temor a pisar una bomba. >> alfredo, quien tambiÉn se...
Mar 2, 2025
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alejandro godina noticias telemundo. >> las reacciones y con consecuencias de la tensa reunion entreente trump y el presidente zelenski de ucrania no terminan el e episodio que culmino a gritos alerto a lideres europeos que han cerrado filas en respaldo a ucrania. mientras tanto, w washington puso en pausa las conversaciones con kiev e insiste en una disculpa. javier vega tiene lo ultimo. >> la ovacion de la diaspora ucraniana en washington fue solo el inicio. tras un tenso intercambio en la oficina oval con el presidente trump, el presidente ucraniano volodimir zelenski volo a reino unido, donde este domingo se reunira con el rey carlos, pero antes recibio la calida bienvenida del primer ministro britanico, quien le ratifico su apoyo. mientras en washington, el jefe de la diplomacia, quien estuvo en la reunion, le exige disculpas. >> into the fiasco for him that it became. there was no need for him to go in there and become. >> antagonista para este ex diplomatico con decadas de experiencia, el incidente en la oficina oval era algo deseable para la administracion trump y su narrativ
alejandro godina noticias telemundo. >> las reacciones y con consecuencias de la tensa reunion entreente trump y el presidente zelenski de ucrania no terminan el e episodio que culmino a gritos alerto a lideres europeos que han cerrado filas en respaldo a ucrania. mientras tanto, w washington puso en pausa las conversaciones con kiev e insiste en una disculpa. javier vega tiene lo ultimo. >> la ovacion de la diaspora ucraniana en washington fue solo el inicio. tras un tenso...
Mar 9, 2025
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alejandro godina nos tiene mas detalles. >> son rostros que reflejan la. >> alegria de estar vivas yegria. >> sin embargo, el dia internacional de la mujer tambien es un dia para levantar la voz por las injusticias, como en el caso de amairani, quien segun las autoridades, fue asesinada por un presunto feminicida y porque su madre salio a las calles. >> tristeza. >> coraje, impotencia que las autoridades no hacen bien su trabajo. lo toman como cualquier cosa. >> incluso kenia, una mujer quien segun la organizacion civil centro de derechos zeferino ladrillero, fue detenida injustamente hace unos anos. >> es para. nosotras las m mujeres, el claro ejemplo de la criminalizacion de la protesta social, la criminalizacion, criminalizacion a las que l levantamos la voz. >> horas antes en el zocalo capitalino, madres buscadoras realizaron una ceremonia para recordar a sus hijas d desaparecidas. >> un ano mas. de estar aqui, un ano mas de caminar hacia la verdad y hacia la justicia. >> la marcha se extendio a lo largo.>> de todo el paseo de la reforma en la ciudad de mexico, donde la mayor dem
alejandro godina nos tiene mas detalles. >> son rostros que reflejan la. >> alegria de estar vivas yegria. >> sin embargo, el dia internacional de la mujer tambien es un dia para levantar la voz por las injusticias, como en el caso de amairani, quien segun las autoridades, fue asesinada por un presunto feminicida y porque su madre salio a las calles. >> tristeza. >> coraje, impotencia que las autoridades no hacen bien su trabajo. lo toman como cualquier cosa....
Mar 7, 2025
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alejandro: importante fe.e mires. esto lo vamos a colocar debajo de la cama. le vamos a dejar ahÍ hasta que termine el trÁnsito el 12 de abril. si por el contrario te quiere proteger su relaciÓn de pareja necesita una pieza de ropa suya, una pieza de ropa de su pareja. recomiendo que no estÉ limpia. si llego del trabajo se la quita para que tenga su esencia. esta pieza de ropa la vamos a amarrar con una cinta roja para que la energÍa del amor llegue y manifieste. vamos a colocar todo esto dentro de una bolsa. despuÉs de esta bolsa vamos a integrar sal negra. la sal negra es para protecciÓn espiritual de todo lo que hagamos. esto debajo de la cama. inmediatamente a seguir vibrando lindo en este venus retrÓgrado. raÚl: me encanta. lo pueden seguir en la redes sociales. tiene su canal de youtube. muy interesante en todo lo que hace. alejandro: recuerda que no es lo que eres, es lo que transmite es. ahÍ esta tu magia. raÚl: seguimos con mucho mÁs en "despierta amÉrica". satcha, te quiero. feliz dÍa! satcha: como s
alejandro: importante fe.e mires. esto lo vamos a colocar debajo de la cama. le vamos a dejar ahÍ hasta que termine el trÁnsito el 12 de abril. si por el contrario te quiere proteger su relaciÓn de pareja necesita una pieza de ropa suya, una pieza de ropa de su pareja. recomiendo que no estÉ limpia. si llego del trabajo se la quita para que tenga su esencia. esta pieza de ropa la vamos a amarrar con una cinta roja para que la energÍa del amor llegue y manifieste. vamos a colocar todo esto...
Mar 8, 2025
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>> hello, that's alejandro, alejandro mayorkas, the 17th secretary of homeland security. she'll be singing some new tunes while flexing her comedy chops tonight on nbc. looking forward to see her pulling double duty. >> the guests who have tickets to that show so lucky tonight. gaga, come on. >> by the way, bowing crushing. >>> still to come our saturday >>> still to come our saturday morning boost, and touch can mean so many things. even for people with moderate-to-severe eczema. touch can make two feel like one. or simply be a helping hand. dupixent can help you stay ahead of eczema as you welcome the feeling of touch. dupixent helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help healal your sk from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after the first dose. severe allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for face, mouth, tongue or throat swelling, wheezing or trouble breathing. tell your doctor of new or worsening eye problems, like eye pain, vision changes,
>> hello, that's alejandro, alejandro mayorkas, the 17th secretary of homeland security. she'll be singing some new tunes while flexing her comedy chops tonight on nbc. looking forward to see her pulling double duty. >> the guests who have tickets to that show so lucky tonight. gaga, come on. >> by the way, bowing crushing. >>> still to come our saturday >>> still to come our saturday morning boost, and touch can mean so many things. even for people with...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Mar 8, 2025
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when i noticed my daughter yelled at me has alejandro a student somali middle school or just like you represent mi familia? yeah. mr. howard racking up at this time when we could palpable proximo i nikolaj i know but i want them for man well let me at you know i p l m for mirror about your fundamentally my be like are they still imminent king as with me and i said i hope they are the math and i squarely intermarium i still see how sarcomere thing in our lesson pamphlet number more to proceed and this land for tomatoes when i borrow classic purcell main thing is was the important and sierra epistle maintain a community that well isabel barcelona this is cyril even in that boyle his since sent not an errand and for me venezuela born areas going to civil revival been a style of their maestros e-health necessity government and arista records of fundamental unless that i will that i still when i am a mother and i will like to know how is our school i have in this report with i serve them especially with the community that it is having a lot of evaluations to say and i bring special word ga
when i noticed my daughter yelled at me has alejandro a student somali middle school or just like you represent mi familia? yeah. mr. howard racking up at this time when we could palpable proximo i nikolaj i know but i want them for man well let me at you know i p l m for mirror about your fundamentally my be like are they still imminent king as with me and i said i hope they are the math and i squarely intermarium i still see how sarcomere thing in our lesson pamphlet number more to proceed...
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the project and alejandro for nancy fundamentalist with at least biggest independent youth photo comment. done kashodi. so investigating how depleted uranium affected italian soldiers health demo check. got you in question for more of the media diety, a or for me that she had come a lot. the windmill fell on a deeper post, showing an army neil people on the little fence that they should be back in the sheets on a party going into the diety, but it's in pennsylvania. and it's also the media diety, capital so fast, the miscellaneous story identical morning when they get a hold on when they come, because don't know more and they are running for ready to more you know, for me. so that is not subtle. so that the medic, the holes in the search for evidence. no, you're not on the day, you're not on the b 2. what was the name of the she i, ne, a nissan over the phone. dear the guy because the guy, the middle, mike turned it on to the and you got it a good the yet it was on the update on your off. you may kindly design the answer. no, it will. do you think i know that the dying july, the katie, t
the project and alejandro for nancy fundamentalist with at least biggest independent youth photo comment. done kashodi. so investigating how depleted uranium affected italian soldiers health demo check. got you in question for more of the media diety, a or for me that she had come a lot. the windmill fell on a deeper post, showing an army neil people on the little fence that they should be back in the sheets on a party going into the diety, but it's in pennsylvania. and it's also the media...
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comfortable and motel here, where they carried out nato, so called peacekeeping mission, the project and alejandro for nancy fundamentalist with at least biggest independent youth portal comment done kashodi. so investigating how depleted uranium affected italian, so just health know have them what you've got your equipment them are the media diety, a or for me that she had come a lot. the windmill fell on a deeper part, sony, an army, neal, football and kid. the little friend said they should really make a delicious one. a party going the media diety, but it's in pennsylvania and it's funnel showing me the diety, capital so fast though, my sony best story identical morning, going to get a hold on when they come. because i know more and better running for the dom. well, you know for me, so that is not subtle. so that'd be medics. older. they're going to search for evidence the day. you all know nothing of the baby to the man on the she, i need a new strong over the phone. be a little dining guy because the guy, the middle, mike turned it off to the and you got it. i'm going to the g at was on the
comfortable and motel here, where they carried out nato, so called peacekeeping mission, the project and alejandro for nancy fundamentalist with at least biggest independent youth portal comment done kashodi. so investigating how depleted uranium affected italian, so just health know have them what you've got your equipment them are the media diety, a or for me that she had come a lot. the windmill fell on a deeper part, sony, an army, neal, football and kid. the little friend said they should...
Mar 9, 2025
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alejandro. mark barger, nbc news. watch snl tonight live at 830 right here on nbc bay area, and if you miss it, y can catch an encore after our 11:00 newscast. up next an unusual push from the department of wildlife. the rodent of unusual size. they are encouraging you to hunt and what it tastes like. and a quick reminder we are now streaming on pluto 24/7. you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you want. scan the qr code on the screen for an easy how to stream guide on your favorite streaming platform. you can watch our live newscast, breaking updates and other content. so many things, big and little, make you uniquely you: your hobbies, dreams, career, family and more. addiction to drugs, including opioids and stimulants, can strip these away from you. recover your life. choose treatment for drug addiction and get back to what matters most. find a provider and proven treatment option that's right for you. recover you at choosechangeca.org. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because
alejandro. mark barger, nbc news. watch snl tonight live at 830 right here on nbc bay area, and if you miss it, y can catch an encore after our 11:00 newscast. up next an unusual push from the department of wildlife. the rodent of unusual size. they are encouraging you to hunt and what it tastes like. and a quick reminder we are now streaming on pluto 24/7. you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you want. scan the qr code on the screen for an easy how to stream guide on your favorite...
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the project and alejandro for nancy fundamentalist with at least biggest independent news portal. comment done kashodi. they're investigating how depleted uranium affected italian soldiers health? no. have them what you've got your equipment, the more the media diety, a or for me that she had come out the window. i don't want to do proport, sony in order me, neal football and kid, the little finance and they she really, becky, the way she's on a party going and media diety, but it's in pennsylvania and it's also the media diety, capital so fast. oh, my funny best story, identical morning when you get a hold on when they come because don't know more and they are running already. don't more you know, for me so that the little sooner so that the magic's older they're going to search for evidence the day. you all know nothing. the baby was. yeah, i mean on the, she, i need a new strong over the phone. dear the, the guy because the guy, the middle, mike turned it on to the and you got it a good the yet it was on the update on you off. you may kind of design the answer. no, it will. do you thin
the project and alejandro for nancy fundamentalist with at least biggest independent news portal. comment done kashodi. they're investigating how depleted uranium affected italian soldiers health? no. have them what you've got your equipment, the more the media diety, a or for me that she had come out the window. i don't want to do proport, sony in order me, neal football and kid, the little finance and they she really, becky, the way she's on a party going and media diety, but it's in...
Mar 4, 2025
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ambassador alejandro bolona told the visitors that she understands the fear many are feeling becauseof president trump's new immigration policy, fear of being caught by ice and their children being left behind. it was la verdad. si, si. pero como nos va la sapienza. she does live with the daily fear like many other people. so the consul general is urging immigrants to start creating a detailed family plan in place, particularly if a parent is taken in the middle of the day with answers to basic questions like who's going to pick up the kids from school, who's going to take them to doctor's appointments, and who has the power to speak on the children's behalf. if mom and dad can't come home, they need to be prepared or people need to be prepared because it's a reality and it could happen. so it's better to have a plan and to designate the person that they want to, to be in charge temporarily of their kids. the consul general says the children alsoeed to be a part of the conversation, so they too, can be prepared and not shocked if the day ever comes. the recommendation is for parents
ambassador alejandro bolona told the visitors that she understands the fear many are feeling becauseof president trump's new immigration policy, fear of being caught by ice and their children being left behind. it was la verdad. si, si. pero como nos va la sapienza. she does live with the daily fear like many other people. so the consul general is urging immigrants to start creating a detailed family plan in place, particularly if a parent is taken in the middle of the day with answers to basic...
Mar 4, 2025
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ambassador alejandro bolona told the visitors that she understands the fear many are feeling becauseof president trump's new immigration policy, fear of being caught by ice and their children being left behind was la verdad? si, si. pero como nos va la sapienza. she does live with the daily fear like many other people. so the consul general is urging immigrants to start creating a detailed family plan in place, particularly if a parent is taken in the middle of the day with answers to basic questions like who is going to pick up the kids from school, who's going to take them to doctor's appointments, and who has the power to speak on the children's behalf. if mom and dad can't come home, they need to be prepared or people need to be prepared because it's a reality and it could happen. so it's better to have a plan and to designate the person that they want to, to be in charge temporarily of their kids. the consul general says the children also need to be a part of the conversation, so they too, can be prepared and not shocked if the day ever comes. the recommendation is for parents t
ambassador alejandro bolona told the visitors that she understands the fear many are feeling becauseof president trump's new immigration policy, fear of being caught by ice and their children being left behind was la verdad? si, si. pero como nos va la sapienza. she does live with the daily fear like many other people. so the consul general is urging immigrants to start creating a detailed family plan in place, particularly if a parent is taken in the middle of the day with answers to basic...
Mar 5, 2025
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i left a few muddy and alejandro to you. for now, the court has appointed a lawyer castillo has requested to face trial from home, electronic surveillance, promising he won't escape by the end of francis, i just see that lima. and when these 3 m. p 's were injured and savvy is call them and talk to a physician policy. politicians through smoke grenades and the chain. bob has been, i guess, since the collapse of a roof of a train station last year, which led to the test of 15 people. will that is it from may come from the cost of the, the, the had a lot of that is more unsettled, where the expected across the middle east and live. and we'll head that in a moment. the fuss to southern africa. and there's some improvement to come from madagascar as a tropical psycho pushes its way for the south leaving some big bus of rain across most central areas. but it is an improving picture. as we had towards the end of the week, the thunderstorms, it continued to affect eastern parts of south africa. it's a little bit dry out west that c
i left a few muddy and alejandro to you. for now, the court has appointed a lawyer castillo has requested to face trial from home, electronic surveillance, promising he won't escape by the end of francis, i just see that lima. and when these 3 m. p 's were injured and savvy is call them and talk to a physician policy. politicians through smoke grenades and the chain. bob has been, i guess, since the collapse of a roof of a train station last year, which led to the test of 15 people. will that...
Mar 6, 2025
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you can also join the conversation on x, alejandro. is that a inside story? from me, sammy say that on the whole team here for now. just combine the effect of shifting power dynamics. all you have to do is flip switch and he has a thorough tearing state. his 1st name is to take off of trinity, or any weakness there would show up thought takes on the biggest one out in the are hard hitting interviews. the result of the referendum was 50 and a half percent to $49.00 and a half percent. this is all this officially equally impossible, unless there is some serious interference facing realities. what all the guarantees in series apply the democracy based on the approval and based on the representative of the entire spectrum of the people wish to have the people represented when and said thoughts providing on sending these voters or expecting your government to deliver? how do you do? well, 1st of all, i think that you have to put institutions of what he or the story on talk to how does era the a hello, i'm fairly bad people in doha with the headlines on algae 0. eu
you can also join the conversation on x, alejandro. is that a inside story? from me, sammy say that on the whole team here for now. just combine the effect of shifting power dynamics. all you have to do is flip switch and he has a thorough tearing state. his 1st name is to take off of trinity, or any weakness there would show up thought takes on the biggest one out in the are hard hitting interviews. the result of the referendum was 50 and a half percent to $49.00 and a half percent. this is...
Mar 5, 2025
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you can also join the conversational next alejandro. is that a inside story from me? so i may say that on the whole team here for now, just combine the the sun rises really into the, the history was written. the age of it came, the or yes, here, the be students and it totally the timeless journey. garza is opened. 30000 children. we 15000. you have lost both parents. these children are the strongest of survivors. we see them with the resilience, they carry and bright possibilities they deserve. just like every child in the world spun son, olsen, which human appeals and create a brighter future because as children give mercy, now the hello, i'm sort of hide us on. this is the news uh, life friends. uh huh. coming up on the show in the next 60 minutes, the us says it was for sharing intelligence with ukraine just stays off the suspending illuminate tree a to keep phase the salvation and goes away as well. continues to block food medicine and fuel into the strip for a full day kind of a hit spot. the us imposing latavia.
you can also join the conversational next alejandro. is that a inside story from me? so i may say that on the whole team here for now, just combine the the sun rises really into the, the history was written. the age of it came, the or yes, here, the be students and it totally the timeless journey. garza is opened. 30000 children. we 15000. you have lost both parents. these children are the strongest of survivors. we see them with the resilience, they carry and bright possibilities they deserve....
Mar 6, 2025
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you can also join the conversation on x. alejandro. is that a inside story? from me, sammy say that on the whole team here for now, just combine the to understand the world. we must experience life through not designs. witness, document trees, the done veiled the trees and chains perspective on l. g 0. a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can. as long as you say, we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do. the united states can phones, it's health, direct tools. we have come off. well, president trump issues a warning seeking the release of full captives held in does not mean site. this is out, is there a lives or so coming up european nations j as well to allow food fuel medicine into the goals a strip this palestinians go hungry? the french president says your must be ready in case united states is no longer by the sides. plus attorney chang in northeastern china warehouse.
you can also join the conversation on x. alejandro. is that a inside story? from me, sammy say that on the whole team here for now, just combine the to understand the world. we must experience life through not designs. witness, document trees, the done veiled the trees and chains perspective on l. g 0. a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can. as long as you say, we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do....
Mar 6, 2025
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you can also join the conversational next alejandro. is that a inside story from me, sammy say that on the whole team here for now. just combine the kind of is governing policy is choosing a new lead, a full kind of that's a vine to replace. just send through the as prime minister, but it's happening just as the nation's faces. an unprecedented challenge prevents neva. i place this to alex, sort of a proposal to do about our leadership election on algebra. the i'm the buffering to how the top story is allowed to 0. the white house has confirmed the trump administration has been in direct talks with how much is the 1st time that you have us as engaged directly with a mass which it designated the terrace organization in 1997. what has pressed succeed? caroline 11th declined to comment on the scope of the discussions when it comes to the negotiations that you're referring to. first of all, the special envoy he's engaged and as negotiations does have the authority to talk to anyone on israel was consulted on this.
you can also join the conversational next alejandro. is that a inside story from me, sammy say that on the whole team here for now. just combine the kind of is governing policy is choosing a new lead, a full kind of that's a vine to replace. just send through the as prime minister, but it's happening just as the nation's faces. an unprecedented challenge prevents neva. i place this to alex, sort of a proposal to do about our leadership election on algebra. the i'm the buffering to how the top...
Mar 5, 2025
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you can also join the conversational next alejandro. is that a inside story from me? so i may say that on the whole team here for now, just combine the a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can do as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. so issue the smell of that is all over power. as long as you say, we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do. the shake model was for translation and international understanding is inviting nominations for its 11th edition, starting january the fast and ending march the 31st 2025. for more information. please visit the awards official website at w w, w dot h t a dot q a the the found kevin johnson. this is a news life from taylor coming up the next 60 minutes. these are ongoing talks and discussions. i'm not going to detailed them here. there are american lives at stake, not in the states confirms its health, direct quotes from us about us now ships held captive in gauze, pain nations, quote, on israel to the foo
you can also join the conversational next alejandro. is that a inside story from me? so i may say that on the whole team here for now, just combine the a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can do as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. so issue the smell of that is all over power. as long as you say, we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do. the shake model was for...
Mar 5, 2025
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at this police facility, which has seen the likes of former precedents and left a few muddy and alejandro to lou. for now, the court has appointed a lawyer. castillo has requested to face trial from home electronics surveillance, promising he won't escape massages. i just see that lima. germany's incoming government has announced plans to ride.
at this police facility, which has seen the likes of former precedents and left a few muddy and alejandro to lou. for now, the court has appointed a lawyer. castillo has requested to face trial from home electronics surveillance, promising he won't escape massages. i just see that lima. germany's incoming government has announced plans to ride.
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wow. alejandro. thanks so much for coming on. this is just, i mean, you know, did you, did you run out of popcorn when you are watching all of this? because you know, so landscape is finally finding himself in the firing line. the way withdrawal shopping saying is what we saw in the oval office. i mean, if apparently it all went up in smoke, i guess i wanted to ask you who blew it. that sounds good. what, what does it lensky or was it trump? well, i, i'm sorry, i'm still trying to come to terms to add as to what really happened, because i think it was a trap. i think a trump and the bands were waiting for that lensky and had the, the fire power ready to go. because i don't think there was ever any resorts deal on the table simply because ukraine doesn't. first of all, the rare or i don't know where they got that information from 1st rare or not. that rare and rare arts are do not exist in any exploitable form right now. in ukraine. there are probably deposits. yes. because there are deposits in many parts of the world. uh um, but
wow. alejandro. thanks so much for coming on. this is just, i mean, you know, did you, did you run out of popcorn when you are watching all of this? because you know, so landscape is finally finding himself in the firing line. the way withdrawal shopping saying is what we saw in the oval office. i mean, if apparently it all went up in smoke, i guess i wanted to ask you who blew it. that sounds good. what, what does it lensky or was it trump? well, i, i'm sorry, i'm still trying to come to terms...
Mar 1, 2025
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alejandro al principio lo afectaba a mí también, pero cuando 1 siente lo que sentimos por batman, decimosstán utilizando las redes sociales para presentar a batman. los comentarios son sumamente fuertes y a mí esa otra parte de la salud mental es la que también me preocupa. claro, pero bueno, cada cada cómo se dice? cada cabeza es un mundo. exactamente. cada quien ve lo que mejor le viene bien para sanarse. y habrá batman. podría haber también guasón, así que vamos mejor a los deportistos. carlitos sí, es un proceso complicado, aún cuando tienes niños de verdad, no? en los deportes. las chivas anunciaron cambios en su forma de trabajo a nivel directivo. le cuento cómo nivel directivo. le cuento cómo chivas disolvió el proyecto yo quiero a su hija so munch. ¿dijiste munch? ¡pues sí! Él piensa so munch en mi nueva big smashed jack, con más del doble de carne que una big mac. la amo... pide mi nueva big smashed jack y so munch more. ¡bienvenidos a jack in the box! ¿saben qué voy a hacer esta noche? ¡voy a bañar en chocolate... ...mis nuevos banana french toast sticks! esponjosos y crujientes
alejandro al principio lo afectaba a mí también, pero cuando 1 siente lo que sentimos por batman, decimosstán utilizando las redes sociales para presentar a batman. los comentarios son sumamente fuertes y a mí esa otra parte de la salud mental es la que también me preocupa. claro, pero bueno, cada cada cómo se dice? cada cabeza es un mundo. exactamente. cada quien ve lo que mejor le viene bien para sanarse. y habrá batman. podría haber también guasón, así que vamos mejor a los...
Mar 3, 2025
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for half a century, she's been searching for her son, alejandro, who left for classes one day and never thing a mother has, a child, we went out like lionesses, looking for our cubs. >> they called you the crazy ones. you didn't take that as an insult. were you crazy? >> translator: we were crazy with pain, with rage, with helplessness because we mothers know what it's like to carry a child for nine months in the womb and then have it ripped away from you like that. >> reporter: 25 years ago, "60 minutes" correspondent bob simon came to the plaza de mayo, to report on the story of patricia roisinblit. in 1978, she was eight months pregnant, when she and her husband, jose, were hauled away by armed government thugs. patricia was taken here to the esma death camp. human rights groups estimate that 500 babies were born in camps to mothers kept alive only long enough to give birth before being killed. in a systematic campaign, their stolen babies were then given to childless military couples. back then, bob simon spoke to patricia's friend and fellow prisoner, miriam lewin, yes, the same in
for half a century, she's been searching for her son, alejandro, who left for classes one day and never thing a mother has, a child, we went out like lionesses, looking for our cubs. >> they called you the crazy ones. you didn't take that as an insult. were you crazy? >> translator: we were crazy with pain, with rage, with helplessness because we mothers know what it's like to carry a child for nine months in the womb and then have it ripped away from you like that. >>...
Mar 7, 2025
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we deserve some more answers relative to the butler attempt on donald trump's life including why alejandrover gave so much as a press conference as to explain how the secret sources -- the secret service failed so terribly. >> and white parents called the police. a lot of stuff unexplained. very great to see you, tran -- paul mauro. >>> meantime more warnings for russia and ukraine as he tries to broker a peace deal. that is next. >> i think we are doing very well with rush or but right now they are bombing the hell out of ukraine and i'm finding it more difficult to deal with ukraine. and they don't have the cards. and they don't have the cards. they don't havave the cards. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. for your brain. join the more than 7 million adults, like michael, who have taken ozempic®. as touring musicians, my type 2 diabetes could have slowed us down. but i didn't let it. i'm michael from the war & treaty, and this is what my ozempic® era looks like. i'm lowering my a1c. and i lost som
we deserve some more answers relative to the butler attempt on donald trump's life including why alejandrover gave so much as a press conference as to explain how the secret sources -- the secret service failed so terribly. >> and white parents called the police. a lot of stuff unexplained. very great to see you, tran -- paul mauro. >>> meantime more warnings for russia and ukraine as he tries to broker a peace deal. that is next. >> i think we are doing very well with rush...
Mar 3, 2025
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durante mucho tiempo estuviste con alejandro fernÁndez. fuiste su pareja.iÑa del mar. tenemos las reacciones. jessica: desde mazatlÁn tenemos todo lo que pasÓ en el carnaval y el tremendo Éxito de la banda la adictiva. karla: esto se pone mejor porque llegan en vivo a cantar en nuestra casa la novia de tekashi 6ix9ine. [mÚsica] bienvenidos a la prueba de sudor de los 100°. ¿cuál de estos dos antitranspirantes podrá resistir el calor? bien. ahí se le puede mejorar más. parece que los antitranspirantes comunes no resisten el calor. los antitranspirantes comunes no pueden controlar el sudor mejor que secret clinical. como medico, mi recomendación es simple: cada hogar debería tener salonpas. es muy eficaz pero no adictivo. ataca el dolor y produce un efecto duradero. recomiendo salonpas. es buena medicina. ♪ hisamitsu ♪ l'oréal paris presenta una historia aterradora. canas! ah!! díle adios a las canas! magic root cover up. 3, 2, 1. listo. magic root cover up. de l'oréal paris. porque lo valemos. ♪ all my ladies roll your deo like this ♪ ♪ when you move your bo
durante mucho tiempo estuviste con alejandro fernÁndez. fuiste su pareja.iÑa del mar. tenemos las reacciones. jessica: desde mazatlÁn tenemos todo lo que pasÓ en el carnaval y el tremendo Éxito de la banda la adictiva. karla: esto se pone mejor porque llegan en vivo a cantar en nuestra casa la novia de tekashi 6ix9ine. [mÚsica] bienvenidos a la prueba de sudor de los 100°. ¿cuál de estos dos antitranspirantes podrá resistir el calor? bien. ahí se le puede mejorar más. parece que los...
Mar 1, 2025
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where were they when unelected alejandro mayorkas was facilitating the invasion of our country by illegal aliens that were murdering, raping, and pillaging our people? when -- where were why when the unelected secretary of education cardona targeted schools and people who disagreed with his view of the radical left transgender ideology? where were they when gary gensler, the former chairman of the sec, also unelected was flawlessly supporting the development of financial markets, particularly in the crypto space by a flawlessly pursuing regulation via enforcement. they were noted -- nowhere to be seen because they don't care because all of those things benefited their side of the aisle at the expense of ours. perhaps that is also why they don't seem to be very interested in rooting out improper payments from our federal government. if you wonder why so many people are cynical about american politics, this is exactly why. the reality is, elon musk serves as an employee of the president. we were given a massive mandate to carry out what he has been doing. his job is to carry out the will of
where were they when unelected alejandro mayorkas was facilitating the invasion of our country by illegal aliens that were murdering, raping, and pillaging our people? when -- where were why when the unelected secretary of education cardona targeted schools and people who disagreed with his view of the radical left transgender ideology? where were they when gary gensler, the former chairman of the sec, also unelected was flawlessly supporting the development of financial markets, particularly...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Mar 4, 2025
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when i noticed my daughter yelled at me has alejandro a student somali middle school or just like you represent mi familia? yeah. mr. howard racking up at this time when we could palpable proximo i nikolaj i know but i want them for man well let me at you know i p l m for mirror about your fundamentally my be like are they still imminent king as with me and i said i hope they are the math and i squarely intermarium i still see how sarcomere thing in our lesson pamphlet number more to proceed and this land for tomatoes when i borrow classic purcell main thing is was the important and sierra epistle maintain a community that well isabel barcelona this is cyril even in that boyle his since sent not an errand and for me venezuela born areas going to civil revival been a style of their maestros e-health necessity government and arista records of fundamental unless that i will that i still when i am a mother and i will like to know how is our school i have in this report with i serve them especially with the community that it is having a lot of evaluations to say and i bring special word ga
when i noticed my daughter yelled at me has alejandro a student somali middle school or just like you represent mi familia? yeah. mr. howard racking up at this time when we could palpable proximo i nikolaj i know but i want them for man well let me at you know i p l m for mirror about your fundamentally my be like are they still imminent king as with me and i said i hope they are the math and i squarely intermarium i still see how sarcomere thing in our lesson pamphlet number more to proceed...
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the red devils about to become red devils manchester united's alejandro garnacho has offered to takeeam—mates out for dinner to say sorry for sulking when he was substituted in midweek. join me later. >> still feels a bit like winter out there this morning with a frost and some fog patches in places, but by this afternoon most of us will be enjoying some spfing most of us will be enjoying some spring sunshine. find out your full weekend weather forecast with me in a bit. >> it has just gone 6:00 in the morning. i'm michael portillo. >> could hardly believe it. and i�*m anne diamond and this is gb news breakfast. yeah, it is a bit early, isn't it? tell you what, though, there's a lot to talk about. i mean, you must must have been watching last night. the oval office fiasco. what did you think? i mean, as an experienced politician. and presumably you've negotiated you�*ve probably had some difficult negotiations in your time. >> nothing like that. >> nothing like that. >> well, i don't think we've ever seen anything. >> like that. it was an absolute horror, to tell you the truth. i mean
the red devils about to become red devils manchester united's alejandro garnacho has offered to takeeam—mates out for dinner to say sorry for sulking when he was substituted in midweek. join me later. >> still feels a bit like winter out there this morning with a frost and some fog patches in places, but by this afternoon most of us will be enjoying some spfing most of us will be enjoying some spring sunshine. find out your full weekend weather forecast with me in a bit. >> it...