oversees the intelligence apparatus, a la hydro castro who is a kernel, who was the point person -- alejandro castroho is a colonel. and then he has his son-in-law who runs the economy with the conglomerate known as the controls. that is 85% of the economy. he has his daughter who is in a key position within the national assembly. it remains a family enterprise. brent: so you say it is not the castro's giving up or receiving power at all. john: it is not, and is not the first time. between 1959 and 1976 cuba had a president that wasn't named castro. that did not in any way limit the absolute power of the castro brothers to do what they wanted to do in cuba. brent: let me play devil's advocate. from where your sitting in miami , you were at the epicenter of the cuban diaspora, all the exiles, many of them are still there to this day. we know they are not a friend of the castro regime, but perhaps mr. diaz-canel, perhaps he is the trigger that is needed to take power away from the castro's and to bring in some type of democratic if not a revolution, and evolution. do you think that is possible that? j