captain alyokhin, the main one in this group, counterintelligence, it’s clear that tamantsev and alekhinm glad that nikita kologrev, who is now definitely... has become a star, and he will be there too, and he played tomantsev, and this role, of course, is one of the most interesting in his creative biography, because he is unusual there, this is serious. the work and his image of tomansky, of course, is impressive, simply because of the very difficult filming that took place and because of the character of this hero and what he experiences, his story with his mother, because, let's say in that work of august 44, there is nothing of this, there is a military detective, very powerful, superbly played, but here there is this emphasis, among other things and action, which is, of course, at a high technological level, people, people, people, and my hero , captain alyokhin, for whom, as it turned out, not everything is going well, and solving the problem that he has to give up internally, this inner world of the hero is very, very important, i’m glad that this is what the emphasis is on, like