part of the program in the studio of science addiction doctor endocrinologist aleksey romanovskoy aleksey antonovich hello aleksey antonovich romanovsky candidate of medical sciences doctor endocrinologist associate professor of the department of endocrinology of the belarusian medical academy, post- graduate education area of research interests diabetology and associated cardiovascular diseases, tyra and dalogy urgent endocrinology member european association for the study of diabetes mellitus international diabetes federation european and belarusian association of endocrinologists. what is insulin and what is glucose and in general how are they related to each other, e, connected and connected insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas by beta cells and insulin lowers the level of glucose in the blood. insulin is the main hormone that regulates the entire metabolism of the entire metabolism, that is, insulin regulates the metabolism of glucose under the action of insulin, protein is synthesized and muscles grow. under the action of insulin, fat is synthesized and under the action. wine synthesize