either go through the various gaand technical tax polies at aleomplely lga b l umngrod,r mke c, me yrvating factor himd the layoffs, 40% said because business had fallen off. only 3% cited financial issues like the tax code. >> well, one of the reasons business falls falls off is if obama gets reelected, 60 occasis atft, ters ta inea athcoore te l tarusax juhe is to take a gamble, are you sure obama's going away? what if he's there? it will devastate your consumer, the businesses you sell to and your own company, as well. there's a real problem coming down the pike very quickly at us in the united states and it scares investors to invest in other places. >> it took some arm twisting for nservatives toebendom roeyndarofhereons sc d at running for president. he's committed to not increasing the tax burden on the american people. and in that, he stands in stark contrast with obama and the democrats who think we should pay more of our money in total. >> let's be fair. 9 t the taxing ins, particularly the buffett rule, affect a very small percentage of americans. if you look at the pls, th