neighboring anam has a box of shares, don’t forget aleppokras, let’s go along the prince of life, vershidnd the bible similar to her, a son is born in auram, isak, and in his son yakol wake him up on the horseman, ticking and rich attack , the warm cat’s beard is gone and what give him a new name israel and put 12 from four wives, young man, 12 tribes of israel t-12 tribes, what do you cut to inflate? i have reyiske people gt knee. teorel god yon is yahweh and robs his abraar people. and we give up the land, you will understand the cancer of the jordan and the interdemean pestilence, approximately the novakovites ask about the reporting boundaries of the so- called promised holy land. the land of israel here will be a flare-up, further history, the hetag of the people , a kingdom will arise, yakimi, kirovali, good home, the characters of king david and king solomon are true ninjas a thousand years before the new era, their kingdom is falling apart into two israeli and jewish stubborn 10 tribes were announced, israeli pillars have two main knees. jude. this is how the term jews and judaism