so we focused on improving the alessa. the truth -- the alleys. through the committee process, we focused particularly on the street between seventh street and ninth street. natomas street, and ringold street. we identified two goals. one is on traffic. we know that vehicle speeds are pretty high in the alleys. they are used as cut-through routes for traffic. we want to slow down the traffic using the alleys and improved safety and comfort for pedestrians. the second goal gets back to the idea that there's not that much open space, public open space in the area. what we do have in terms of public space is the streets. to the extent that we can improve the way that the streets provide public space for the community, that is in line with improving livability in the area. the second goal leads us to want to improve and install pedestrian amenities, such as new landscaping, better lighting, widening the sidewalks at key locations, and working on at the crossings. in particular, the crossing of the major streets, like seventh street and eighth streets