>> alessandro: let's have a bite of flowers. >> anthony: oh, man. >> alessandro: they're delicious. >t that's what i'm here to find out. >> rene: did you add the moss? >> anthony: we know that noma has been said to be the world's best. >> noma cook: this is a dish that takes twenty man-hours of work a day. >> anthony: and what we've heard outside of denmark is that rene sources his ingredients exclusively from the nordic region. mostly from within 60 miles of the restaurant. >> rene: get a better one than this. >> noma cook: we need a better vessel. quickly, come on. >> kitchen staff: yes chef! >> anthony: think about that. denmark is not exactly the mediterranean. summers are short. >> rene: service. >> anthony: what rene and crew started, what they're famous for, is foraging for ingredients. >> rene: reindeer moss with last year's harvest of sep mushrooms. >> anthony: and color me, dubious. >> alessandro: did you ever eat moss before? >> anthony: no. that is incredible. >> alessandro: wow. >> anthony: there's no way that this is going to look convincingly delicious on tv, but it is