with germany, italy, spain. career of a military man and on his own to learn the rebellion of aleu-jou-hetahistory, the sixteenth of standing in the world reaps the hour of great geographical discoveries magellan vespucci and columbus are led and they surf the oceans and open up new taratura light, stunned by feverish tourism, although it is quite specific for places of knowledge with new people, new cultures, their colonization of wear and tear, on the on, endless warriors, and then pour out everything from the neighboring polish kingdom, the karate confederation grabbed food, and yet people stretch out travel and the spirit has risen in price, reaching our land. i am the sixth mulberry at the age of 1.56, subordinate to the regulation of the roads and the limbs of the road. the services of the tavern are being developed in the construction of the infrastructure. this is from the old slavonic guest plantain tekupets. there one could prettier oneself, feed the horse, get to know the stock of navins from meat and otpazhitels for the het, there was a special rest for the diplomat of the sacre