let us remember two men who gave us so much during their time in office, senator alex desio, senator bob mccaslin. and let us remember always, governor al roselini. al was a mentor to me and one of the best friends this state ever had. and also please remember the nine washingtonians who lost their lives in afghanistan and iraq serving our country. and just last week, the normally idyllic mount rainier national park was witness to the loss of park ranger michael anderson who died in the line of duty. will you all please join me in a moment of silence in their honor. thank you. good afternoon, everyone. first can i say thank you, bishop burger, for starting us off with such an inspirational prayer this morning. may god bless you. thank you. and thank you, sophia, for your beautiful performance of our national anthem. you are our future. remember, public service, political office is in your future. mr. president, mr. speaker, madam chief justice and distinguished justices of our court, honored officials, members of the washington state legislature, former governor, tribal leaders, loca