war with eritrea by agreeing to give up disputed territory on the border well joining me now is alex deval executive director of the world peace foundation he joins us via skype from some avail in massachusetts and he has made great strides in his own country hasn't he could a prime minister and then possibly be the man to bring these 2 sides together in sudan where of course negotiations of collapse and we have seen a brutal crackdown in recent days. it's an exceptionally difficult task especially for someone who is. like prime minister of the atom and who may be accustomed to busy busy setting the political case in his own country but he's not himself an experienced mediator the certainly the number 2 in the transitional military council general and met he has made in south and his own actions the problem by launching this extremely bloody crackdown it's a very very hard to see the forces for democracy in saddam would be prepared to trust that the man indeed the men who just recently broken. and who gave such a gravity crack down. mohamed had done the galo or a general he met a as you sa