the alex griffith projects. have been some of the worst of the housing property folio. the community who have lived there. demanding we do better. to provide a quality of housing. so rebuilding that site is a priority. but it's a big site. two city blockses that is being looked at it. in addition to phase two. which is also two entire city blocks. the last projects. are krital to helping to revitalize the south and certain part of our city. so with this high volume of plans and permits. our office is currently what i call all hands on deck mode. we're staying in late. and coming in on weekends to process these permits. everyone is chipping in. including me. but we're very committed to keeping these projects on track. it's one of our highest priorities. that is my update on affordable and accessible housing. i did see the mayor announced his intention to pursue. a $250 million affordable housing bond on the november election. will you be hearing more about that through the newspaper. and other sources. the next item i would like to cover is our new deputy director. speak