john kornacki and alex isenstadt. caller: good morning, gentlemen.from that movement by having the opposition votes shoved off through the independencts? nixon, 1968, george wallace took away democratic votes from humphrey and richard nixon was reelected. i think that could be a repeat performance. guest: it ever good point. the answer is, independent voters affect the election. but overall conclusion is somewhat mixed. you are right about 1968, but remember 1972. ross perot was in that election and the incumbent president was george w. bush -- a lot believe that that tilt the back to george clinton -- bill clinton. host: the role of ross perot. guest: we have not seen a ross perot figure emerge into many different cycles -- to many races where independent voters can't throw their boats off to an independent candidate. but you look at massachusetts governor race, state treasurer, cahill, he could divide the republican vote and give the election to democrat patrick. which is somewhat interesting given that democrats right now are those that perceived