organization alex lens is enhanced through the projects. we're budgeting $263,000 to expand the usability and scope of the website redesign and to align with the goals to support our members and enhancing organizational excellence. under well-being, we're budgeting $82,000 additional to evaluation and improve well-being communications and webpages. this will address the goals of whole-person health and well-being and organizational excellence. finally, budgeting $115,000 for new data feeds for the database and incorporate benchmarking tools and national community of quality assurance. by increasing our analytical resources we can impact the goals of sustainable healthcare and reduce complexity in fragmentation. at the end of the report, there's a summary of each of the details of the revised budget. i'm happy to answer any questions or concerns. >> president breslin: any questions? >> i have a question. my memory fails. is this where the board educational funds reside in the $3 budget? >> no. that's the general fund budget. >> all right. th