that was a key reason why i chose to accept this opportunity that alex morrello offered me and i'm humbledy. but it was to come here and say this community has generations of latinos and a very, very proud history. and yet i feel like it's on the cusp of a growth, of the expansion of its economic, political, and civic power. and i want to be a part of that. i wanted to help be part of the leadership here. and more importantly, i wanted our organization and our franchise. this isn't about me, this is about us, this is about an enterprise that says you are our community. we are part of it. and so how do we empower this community to the fullest? and so it's something that i fully embrace. it's part of our strategy and business plan. and i think we are going to work very hard. but i do believe and have a lot of faith we'll be successful. >> xavier, it feels like a member of the family has reached the levels you have. any final thoughts before we let you go? >> you know, i just want to thank you for this opportunity to say hello to obviously all the wonderful friends and family i have there in