. >> reporter: alex reid, 1 king's lane's head designer, leading the transformation. taking her home from this to this. >> this is the new digs, what do you think? >> i love it. >> pretty much everything in this space is brand new. do you set the table like this every night? no. >> reporter: just moments after the look is completed here, it's here on the 1 king's lane website. where everything in rebecca minkoff's living room can be yours right down to the 20-inch bonsai tree for 35 bucks. alex has handy tips you can incorporate into your own home. one, build gallery ledges. >> i see you have the wall. >> yeah, the gallery ledges. doing a gallery ledge, it's a great way to actually put together groupings of personal photographs, personal pieces. always evolving, always changing. and easy to display. no holes. >> reporter: tip two, go light on the carpet and avoid patterns. >> the old rug that was in here was dark, dark gray. and a little tired. so to update it we brought in this great moroccan fluffy, fun, kid-friendly, bright rug which really goes with the walls. the