alex rubinstein, who wrote the story, says the news went completely unnoticed by american mainstream media. yesterday this, the story that i reported on was the biggest story in italy. in mid november, the italian police arrested this neo nazi cell called the order of ha gall, a terrorist group, arrested on charges of association with the purposes of, of terrorism and subverting the democratic order. one of the members was, he was planning an attack on a police station, another member, they were unable to arrest because she's embedded with the as a battalion and ukraine. he was planning an attack on a shopping center near naples. this was all over an italian meta on november 15th. no. what no united states media has covered this. it didn't take some kind of journalistic wizardry to find the report on the story, and it merely took an interest. reuters associated press all the big name, american outlets. their editors are aware of the story and of refuse to report on it, because it's inconvenient for the nato proxy work. earlier this month, the russia introduced a draft un resolution a