alex thomson, channel 4. good phase. thank you very much. alex thomson, from all three of you would be good if you can. i'm sure you will all accept what is obvious. you have all been very late in dealing with the crucial issues of care home staff and care home residents. was that because frankly you wanted to prioritise the lives of younger people in hospitals at the nhs sharp end? and have people simply died in british care homes unnecessarily? no, alex, neither of those things is the case. and very obviously not. the truth is that, as i said in my opening comments, we first put our guidance to social care in february and we have repeatedly updated that guidance according to the circumstances, according to the progress of the disease, the increasing prevalence of the disease in the community and in terms of the support that has been available. what we have been able to do today is update that guidance and improve some of the policies to respond to the conditions that prevail today. that's why we have put out the action plan now. it builds on the work