service is revealing its plan to overhaul the national mall. 9 news now digital correspondent alex trevino is live on location with the new details. let's hear it, alex. >> reporter: there are a few alternatives on the table. each with a different focus but all with the common goal to restore the national mall so it may symbolize the ideals and greatness for our country. there are grand plans for the great swath of green at the national mall. one plan calls for historic landscape makeover that concentrates on education. union square would be redesigned and the mall revamped. gravel walks refurbished and improvements for pedestrian and bike circulation. under another plan, the mall memorial an landscape would be protected. the idea is to preserve the design. significant changes would be made at union square, restoring the ulysses grant memorial and some would shrink the size of the reflecting pool to allow more room for demonstrations. the parks service is accepting critiques our mid march. the price tag could be as high as $705 million. live from washington, alex trevino, 9 news now and wu