john: we wondered how to those things work, so we asked works alex wayne. he covers health care.e said for the most part they are true, or at least mostly true. i'm sure the rnc will disagree with it and claim that the numbers are all cooked or whatever. given those facts, how strong is president obama's hand if he gets an adverse ruling from the supreme court? mark: i think it is still pretty strong. there are still questions about rising premiums and you still be people who do not like via formal care act, but the poll numbers suggest that people like it and it has grown well. and the costs are not so far overall exploding. in the end, because republicans still do not have unity about what to do, they may still have to say they will fight it out in the election. john: and at the big thing. president obama's hand is strong for the reasons you just said, but it's also the case that the republican hand is very weak. having spent years telling the base they want to repeal and teardown obamacare, if this adverse ruling comes out on basically a technicality that they will throw the e