thank you. >> thanks shawn >> hi commissioners, i'm alexa, kielty, with the 0 waste program, i will talk to you about our background our director covered some of this basically, this is money coming from the refuse rates it's specifically earmarked for die version, we are talking about reuse, recycling, waste compose prevention, we're looking at how much tons can we divert through these projects, but we also look at the cost per tons we look for cost effective projects as well. we look at how the tons are measured. we actually during the interviewses, and the application, how are they pressure measuring the tons and weighing the material as it comes through, and we look at the highest and best use, we value reuse over recycling, waste prevention is something we value the most in the hierarchy. to achieve or goals in 0 waste we need to reach communities, that is a priority to us and we need to look at what will amplify our 0 waste message, we take that into consideration, we look at our cobenefits, i wanted to highlight some of the cobenefits from the recommended projects for example, you