and soto talk about have alexa kielty and then sbeod evening commission<íersoordinator, angroundste inveor our kitchen"? sf cno our fs uneaten or u get cndmas,, which hcar thane and all th climate pactouissicallyfarm. 35% is somewhere in supplynufacturin the. so that's a previously thought. we thought to connect to with the hous waste campaign, du b getting wasted, 80% is perishable food.? and of that, 3 is produce biggestú to stn ourday i'm basically focusedn plan under our responsible consumption section. part of that isess food to bi today i'm going to talk about the coupgrants. we'vecle andow, in 2no whole bunch of diffeit themns businesseste their food.w andsely stores. and venues sectors ha brainer to donate food.ant cost to the transport this food asganitions for all that transport? it's a big lift. so that's basid re these businesses into complianche partnerships and that partnership. wt i meanesscommunity workingxq to make that connection. so second one and ipaid for the from the generator, the to the food re paid for i've talkx ed to t youreph but, there's two businessesve foo