the government spin on this i want to read you this quote alexa vance a spokeswoman for the justice department disputed the draft report saying quote the draft report relied on for this article contains numerous factual errors and inaccuracies both the timing and misleading content of this leak raise troubling questions about the motivations of those responsible for it. she has more of an issue with the leak than she does the content so that in and of itself is a problem in showcases its own myriad of issues but more importantly you are right in your previous statements about this is it will the trial separation is the new work but the fact that we needed to have comprehensive immigration reform decades ago is not a new argument we worked through that or at least try to bring that to the fold in several administrations it just so happens that there is a particular i or against immigrant specifically undocumented immigrants from latin american and central american countries as well as mexico that president trump has that we have not seen from administrations past and he's in him in his administ