that is why the fabulist, and also the then vice-governor of tver, alexander efimovich izmailov, ridiculedes in his fable, calling them playgirls. the ladies in tver are not nice to me, they trump them all day, damn them. so what do you think, these tigresses took revenge on the impudent scribe, filed a complaint against him, and the vice-governor was demoted went to serve in some wilderness. in general, as the unforgettable general said from the peculiarities of the national hunt and so on, all the evil comes from the women, well, i don’t know. in fairness , it must be said that there were legends about the gentleness, good nature, and easygoing nature of the tverite women, which is why these ideal tver angels from the ideal city were in great demand among visiting suitors, the volga embankment served as their main promenade and the main vanity fair, and not a single lady went out on a walk without such a miniature parasol umbrella. now let’s part with the beautiful tver and go on a trip to karelia, and we will do this without leaving the tver region, how is this possible, and at first i