there is a huge amount still to m the issbrent: alexander gersty good at inspiring people.f you look at his twitter feed today before he took off, just the way he describes what he is feeling and looking forward to, it makes you want to be there. so y have got that in your favor right now. when you look at the future, do you see a mission to mars pp next 10 to years? we wa mitaion mars in the 1970's and 1980's. mark: the first thing to remember is him we talk about going to mars it is for exploration and for science. it is also for inspiration. the young astronauts in our cadre, they are all very connected and also the same thing. it is a classic thing of looking down a the earth and see no borders and seeing the fra gilityof ear if we go to mars we should not look at that as plan b, we can go to colonize. but the inspiration is critical to bring kids and people into -- ve t major probms we oimate change, dwindg resources. that is through international thinking, obeying the laws of there is a lot to be done in space for exploratco bectingtace ssionate about.e're brent: it h