option for adaptation to global warming that does not provide for their growth, yeah, here comes alexander grigorichaks directly about this, that there are developed countries on the planet that are not going to give up their place, and therefore all those climate solutions that are proposed today by developed countries, they all provide for the consolidation of 150 or how many remaining countries there are, their undeveloped status. undeveloped, that is, the status quo must be preserved in the form in which it is, yes, but still, the president proposed setting priorities: trillions of dollars are spent on war, on war, and at the same time tens or hundreds of billions are required for then, to maintain the climate, or to manage the climate more or less in the interests of all humanity, that is , there is a source of money, if it is redistributed from war to... climate issues, yes, then in in principle, nothing else is needed, there is no need to climb into other boxes , because the point of this speech was in the first place, but they heard not only that, yes, but they heard, as a rule, yes, some of