coming up alexander sefton or -- alexander heffner will be with us.ll continue this conversation that we are having with all of you about the political divide from his show " breaking bread," i want to show you a conversation about national security with a republican senator of kansas. they were talking over chili and milkshakes. [video clip] >> we live at a time where they are simultaneous geopolitical crises and you have appropriated moneys for the military, defense and also sit on the intelligence committee. from a domestic security perspective, are you concerned that we are more vulnerable now than we were at any point since 9/11? as americans, laypeople or -- laypeople, if i were to read the things you have access to, would i be freaking out? >> the national security is at risk and the future of our country and what are children and grandchildren will experience are determined by decisions today. it has been a long time in which the forces against us are so well allied. russia, iran, terrorism, and china. one of the arguments that i make to my co