tv news agency presents. school came here on galasavannah candidates for president alexander lukashen will vote for whom. on the occasion of the president of the republic of belarus , i strongly swear to serve the people of the republic of belarus, to uphold the laws and laws of the republic of belarus, which have been laid down on me in high regard. from this moment, alexander rygoravich lukashenka stepped up to the front of the president of the republic of belarus. the unforeseen crisis befell the president of the earliest governments. peradvybarchyya stated one thing, but the reality is different. for the current situation, including the past, i take responsibility as president... i am deeply convinced that the belarusian people have everything necessary for a decent. leadership of belarus together with the crisis situation that has developed in our republic for the latest bastards. Мы ведаем, як невыносна цяжка жыццё простага народу, як глыбока пранікла ў наша жыццё сацыяльная несправядлівасць, які складаны шлях выхаду са склаўшагася становішча, але гэта не пужае ні мяне асабіста,