to talk more about this we're joined now by alexander macarius editor in chief of the duran and author of the latest article russia's expulsion of staff from the u.s. embassy in moscow is unprecedented and here. alex is vander alexander unprecedented in huge that's what you have to say about this latest development russia's actions as weak of course reaction to new sanctions from the u.s. why such strong language. well this is been the biggest expulsion of staff from any diplomatic mission that has happened in the more than in modern history there's never been anything like this on this scale before the u.s. embassies and consulates in russia are going to be drastically pared down and i don't think this is been fully understood yet in the united states was a major step this is is going to be a significant reduction of the u.s. diplomatic presence in russia and this is where we now stand after these two measures absolutely and major act but how did we get to this point last year when the obama administration expelled thirty five russian diplomats from the u.s. who didn't actually refrai