motivation person, i always had a clear goal, i first needed to graduate, then find a job, alexander makhortovdespite restrictions that arose in 2000 after a serious accident, i didn’t just find a job. with a couple of hired employees, i turned to the state for help, i learned that the state employment service issues a subsidy for starting a business. i went to the employment service, they told me everything, i wrote a business plan, i received a subsidy , i think it was about a thousand or 1,500 dollars, which i could spend on buying some tools, paying part of the rent, a legal address , some years a wheelchair user successfully designs and installs manual control mechanisms on cars for people with musculoskeletal disorders; alexander makhortov’s kits are popular not only in belarus, but also in russia; he says he and his team have refurbished more than a thousand cars over the years. the mechanism is almost ready, manual control, probably the simplest economical option, a hinge, that is, it will be screwed here, then it will be here, there is considerable demand for the services of a wheelch