he attracted real, well, authoritative people, i remember that if... in my opinion, he was alexander makushenkopeople that this was a profitable investment of money, in my opinion, in the case of stashevsky, by the way, this was the case, it worked. now, but since yuri was in sight, and he liked to be in sight, and he, so to speak, strived for this, and there the same vladimir matetsky admired the quantity and the quality of his jackets, then, in fact, because he was in focus. not so much public, but media attention, with this history of his prison history, that is , with two significant sentences, in fact, everyone said about him that he was all of himself, a godfather, in fact, in show business they were really very serious people, in this sense, that is , real with authority, yes, yuri was very warmly treated by his exes, like his neighbors, well, in general it doesn’t matter, that is, people from this environment. for money, i once had an argument with a very famous musician, who in an interview began to tell me about those people about whom i know for sure that they did not perform in fron