mikolayevsky session alexander murashkin gomel region, separation of physicians is known by the deathsh system, and you will not be called to the profession, an open lesson for schoolchildren of a biological chemist from borussia in minsk. novukov, a practical center for surgery, hematology transplantation, for excursions to the new building of the installations, they came to the ears of the twelfth gymnasium, that they met with kerow not from tom, so she herself visited the department and operative i have my mother, the head of the pharmacy. i decided to follow in her footsteps and also go either farm fa. met either surgery and here is very interesting, but i like it. here it is a two-way street on one side. we want to show them what we can and what we cannot achieve, when they choose this profession, they will not develop, but on the other hand, we are thus conducting such an unfashionable, probably, now the word wounded was a very fashionable career guidance. we ourselves. let's look at these kids. we choose the best and we try to lead them by the hand as far as it is necessary to c