. >> police allege that's 25-year-old alexander raymer and allege alexander raymer tosses two buckets of bleach into the water. why? dparry case is a bait fish business own somewhere that's where his tanks are. raymer dumped in the bleach to kill $20,000 worth of gary case's bait fish. there's this upcoming tournament in florida, bait fish business popping and so this guy, police say alexander, just wanted to kill off the competition. 2300 fish were killed. gary case says he had google eye and speedo bait fish. you think, how does that add up to 20,000 bucks? he sells google eyes for a hundred bucks a dozen and speedos for 150 a dozen. court records say he face a charge of criminal mischief. gary case recognized the boat in question because he sold the boat to alexander raymer because he used to be his neighbor. >> wait. >> alexander raymer admitted, yeah that was me, i did do that. >> geez. >> according to wflx, gary case and his sons plan to sleep on their dock with guns before the next tournament to protect their stock. >>> this video you're about see is going to take your breath a