witness talks to alexander sutko, a former communist advisor. worker and this was it.ent and above all sober. but now there is another. other sleep and halfway to dipsomania. of vodka before going to work. this was widespread among our working class. the hour of the wolf. but the two together and the results can be disastrous. killing its own people. that was very clear to me. ordered its people to sober up. that he didn't understand what the ussr was about. of all the soviet freedoms, only one was always there. the freedom to drink. all russians love vodka. to special drying out centres. but medical facilities are now to be improved. it from soviet life. were limited to the period from 2pm to 7pm. was sold per person. your passport to prove that it was really your birthday. by about 1988, 1989, it became clear that the campaign was damaging. the soviet system simply collapsed. millions of people lost theirjobs. at least there was some restraint on him in the workplace. more and the alcoholic had nothing holding him back. gorbachev didn't understand that. that is all f