. >> commissioner alexander tuk? >> this is the city attorney. are my options yes or no, or can i abstain? >> yes, no, or abstain are fine options. >> okay. i am abstaining. i am unhappy with the process. >> okay. commissioner beto? >> um, yes. >> commissioner clinch? >> yes. >> commissioner jacobo? >> i'm going to have to abstain only because of the process. >> commissioner tam? >> can i make a comment before i make my vote? >> sure. >> so i definitely understand, you know -- i definitely think that president mccarthy has served the commission and has the experience and kind of guided it thus far. and i also see that the process here is, in a way, kind of false and not what it should be. and i think, you know, elizabeth, commissioner tuk, pointed that out and kind of make that very clear. with that said, i would like to continue and put my vote in with a yes. >> okay. >> thank you. so this motion carries 5-2. so thank you. >> okay. so next item on the agenda, please? >> so we would need to do the motion for vice president. >> please call the que