, this is the writer, translator, editor-in-chief of the journal foreign literature, alexander yakovlevich levvergant be changed every now and then, then with classes in roggu, where i have been for more than 30 years, it’s scary to say, i teach there at the russian state humanitarian university, where alexander yakolev. what courses does he teach? well, i have a course in literary translation, and there are courses on foreign literature of different times, american literature after 1945, english victorian literature and a course of lectures, which is solemnly called, poetics and genres of foreign literature, yeah , that is, this is a special course, what is it called , well, sort of, yes, for university courses, kind of yes, then you have to change the literary translation with a foreign magazine. literature, although in general there is no smell of treason here, because well , that’s what magazines do, but it’s a magazine, it doesn’t publish just me, it publishes a lot of people, that is, this is not a writer’s diary, and not a translator’s diary, and here i already have to be not so much an author