contacts, this opinion was shared by the representative of the society of poland of the east alexander yaksov, the practice without a visa caused great interest to foreign citizens foreigners come to visit their relatives to visit burial sites for the purpose of tourism to receive medical services for strengthening business contacts. to open these feathers, if only to tremble here, if we do everything that in our country, after all, fraternal slavic hundreds of thousands of years living together, and the peoples are not closed behind artificial fences that the authorities want to build between us. i think that very quickly, and this will turn into a relationship that should be between people who have grown and the number of applications for permanent residence in belarus and the residents of poland, lithuania and latvia , we recall from august 2022 the country has a simplified procedure for obtaining a permit for permanent residence for citizens of border states who have roots in the country or are ethnic belarusians. i hope that they will give me a work permit, and i will look here. uh, wher