. >> it's rush hour at alexanderplatz in berlin. a young man on the stairs catches their eye.e's walking behind a young woman, and his hands are covered by a jacket. carefully, and almost unnoticeably, he opens the tourist's backpack. then he strikes. >> federal police. hold on. if look at your backpack. it's open. >> a skilled pickpocket can earn up to 30,000 euros a month. most of the pickpockets are young, and learned their craft as children. it's a profitable business and not a particularly risky one. when they're caught, they're arrested and brought in for identification. but then most are let go. >> our problem, which our officers find increasingly frustrating, is that we arrest people two, three or four times, and they're out again. this isn't a blanket criticism of the justice system, parts of which are dealing with massive staffing shortages, and they have to work within the bounds of the law. it's not that easy to get -- to detain people. >> back to dusseldorf's maghreb district. despite police raids and patrols, the drug dealers and thieves are plying their trade. t