and then alexandra brodsky, senior editor, and she'll be talking about a rising tide. so where do you want to start? >> i think that i am supposed to start, so, okay. so bill and my paper was the idea of it was really initiated by bill, because he was following several of the sort of prominent faculty harassment cases that were occurring on primarily at institutions on the west coast, and was involved in some things at his institution when he was in a former position. and so when we first started talking about the paper, i suggested that we -- that we try to collect the case law and the ocr investigations that had involved faculty harassment. similarly to research that i had done some years ago with regard to peer harassment. and it quickly became obvious to us that there were several reasons why looking at the case law and the ocr investigations was not going to work as well in this context as it had in the peer harassment context. and so in the interest of time, i'm not going to go into all of the reasons, but suffice it to say that we decided that we needed to cast