the master of the lieutenant prose of the bulls and, of course, the contemporary alexei dudarev in ourer in our dramaturgy, the most successful playwright, i think alexey anufrievich dudarev e. i think that his dramaturgy she presented this topic in a very reverent way. still, not a war man, he was already born in the fiftieth year and created his plays at a rather young age at that time, let's say the same performance. do not leave me for a long time very successfully directed the theater of the belarusian army. and there were his plays, and just this theater, which basically basically it is the theme of war , is still being presented to the viewer. we filming war. from the scene a little harder, well, i am for me it is very important to go to my father fought, he came from the war, and he left at 17 years old. he returned from the war as a winner at the age of 21, he had many orders and many medals. i remember that the first thing i remember is that he attached all his orders and medals to my t-shirt. i won't tell you now who we can write about the war now and whether he wants to wri