in 1974, seventy-year-old alexei kosygin was awarded the gold star of the hero of socialist labor forcond time. and actually moved away from the most important political decisions, but kosygin , nevertheless, was obliged, as head of government , to drag the economy further, in which the last traces of his reformist innovations were disappearing before his eyes. here is one significant fact, when kosygin completed his work as head of government, all the explored reserves of natural gas in the ussr amounted to 16 trillion cubic meters. of these , 13 trillion cubic meters were added during the work of alexei kosygin as a result of this work. we are still largely fed alexey nikolaevich surygin. he passed away early at the age of 76, but it is important for the country at the turn of the 1980s. it was at this time that reforms began in china. much followed the principles of the kosygin economy, but went much further. what was allowed by the kosygins the soviet danselpin did not take place, our country under the leadership of the cpsu missed a real chance to undergo modernization without up