calls this group co-founder alexei minaj calls this group co-founder alexei minaj calls this group cheerleaders the script is 25 to 30 cheerleaders the script is 25 to 30 cheerleaders the script is 25 to 30 percent of people they have no political percent of people they have no political percent of people they have no political position and just join the apparent position and just join the apparent position and just join the apparent majority for example someone who says majority for example someone who says majority for example someone who says that russia must fight until it's that russia must fight until it's that russia must fight until it's victorious but at the same time says victorious but at the same time says victorious but at the same time says that the government's priority shouldn't that the government's priority shouldn't that the government's priority shouldn't be military victory but saving the be military victory but saving the be military victory but saving the economy propaganda claims that the vast economy propaganda claims that the vast economy propaganda claims