personnel come there so as not to lose their skill in trying out new types of weapons, reporting by alexey kruchenin. the second number throws a grenade. our number will naturally make it targeted, the second number will finish off control whose line of fire is the top, whose is the bottom, who controls the right side, who the left, without words, so that the enemy doesn’t guess, let your comrade know that you ’ve run out of cartridges, the magazine is empty, it’s time to reload, there are a lot of nuances during an assault, all of them are critical important, grenade, right, left, grenade, almost all these guys from the eighty-fifth brigade... have real combat experience, who knows better than them , only those who have learned the assault alphabet by heart survive. we bend down lower so that our heads are not visible and so on, that is, all this physical activity requires more interaction with friends. many of those who join the brigade have served conscripts for quite a long time, and army habits here have to be not only forgotten, but changed, adjusting them to reality. for example, a stand, tha