why can’t i leave my car here, against restrictions for cars and a taxi in a residential area, alexey starakonver with ten years of experience, in principle does not object, but just like the state inspectorate , he proposes, first of all, to develop a mechanism for separating cutlets from flies, that is, drivers who left the car near their apartment while sleeping and resting, from those who who arranges spontaneous corporate parking under the windows of apartments, and why can’t this be done by the same bridge parking as they walk safely and take pictures on the road, well, go to the courtyards, guys, by the way, there have already been attempts to ban taxi parking in courtyards, in 2020, the ministry of transport even issued a corresponding order, but they did not introduce fines and did not answer the main question, which is still relevant now: how to arrange taxi parking that suits everyone. denis voskovsky, yaroslav aulov, ekaterina romanova, ekaterina cherrusheva, ilona agasieva week in the city. it is not only telephone scammers who are driving muscovites into loans, but also false doc