i'm also we got where then you're coming up you have a guy called alexia shatov and he has a phenomenal personal story he used to play volleyball and so he went to a wedding where he tried to stop a guy with and he got stabbed in the leg and had to have his way out there is a leg amputated going east despite everything is he's been through their success continues for absolutely he became you know i mean playing parent. ali ball you also went on into the paralympics the discus and the shot you became the flag bearer for the two paralympics a truly amazing man it shows you can you sport to overcome adversity yet it's not just sports medal winners were there taking a look at the list of other important people here during your career told no if you have grown pretty women of the most vulgar kid in contest and we are yet here into the central school of music at the moscow state can so she when he was only six years old he's a real project he's amazing on the piano then we've got a vision of a gold medal in grand prix winner of the young ballet dancers contest bolshoi theatre not a prima ball