katie: there will be a budget in march, alexion by may but that decision is for the prime minister.n't dissipating that kind of response. there is a risk in the election, i know the labor government has been trying to position itself as responsible. have you left your flank open to an attack with the deficit? katie: we've been honest about the pressures, we work hard to deliver. those do not happen on accident. there is commentary that they just happen. there is no shortage of calls for spending. the services that help with inflation, but india, defense and interest on government debt, structural pressures that we need to work on and reform. paul: thank you for joining us. we will leave it there with the budget in surplus. we will see the return of deficits. back to you. haidi: paul allen. coming up, australian shadow treasurer joins us for the opposition view on the federal budget and singapore's future. the prime minister will be sworn in. breaking news, we are hearing the president has informed the president, jean-paul that he is out of the company after extended disputed tension