cara i don't see that much or often. we're kind of not talking riiht now. leah, joel and aidan. sometimes i get alexis but not and then colin i haven't seen for a really long time. i go to the house to pick them up. i can't trespass. hey, give me my kids. it doesn't work. i'd have to go to court every single time. now.figuring all that out right- as i get more stable in my life and my career finannially. >> we askkd for kate to weigh in on jon's comments but neither she or her reps responded by our deadline. like any single dad, when thee >> when the kids come, it's probably anywhere from 150 to about $225 in groceries. but them at the grocery alley because i can get like three times as much and there's a discount. the expiration dates are closer to the time of expiring. >> oh, my gosh. p> while kate and the kids still do specials for tlc, jon earns a living doing jobs like sales and pursuing hisspassion of music by dj-ing. >> i don't film anymore. so it's like -- you know, i'm not making the tv salary that i save that money? i donated that money to my ex-wife. >> he did a stint cooking at tgi friday